Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm a legit fisherman

I participated in my first fishing tournament this past weekend and you know what? I won. Yup I won the whole thing. I got first place. Of everyone that was there, I caught the biggest fish. I caught a 7.25" perch. That beat my dad (who came in second) by .25". I ended up winning a gift certificate to walmart. I bought some legos (the rescue helicopter). I am so stoked. I can't wait to win again next year. By the way Lyndsey came in a close 4th. So not quite a clean sweep for the Levasseur's, but close.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Anderson that is great! good job. Sydney and Maegan like to fish as well, who knows maybe even max will try it this summer.


My Favorite Game